Designing clickworthy thumbnails!

Aryan Anurag

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Designing clickworthy thumbnails!

Aryan Anurag


9th July


6 PM - 7 PM





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About the masterclass

Creating thumbnails that stir curiosity is an art; it's no easy feat! But we'll help you master this art with Aryan's guidance in this masterclass.

Topics covered

Thumbnails and their importance
Demystifying successful thumbnails
A break-down of elements to study thumbnails
Essential factors & insights to create great thumbnails
Creating clickworthy thumbnails for your channel
Using thumbnails to grow your channel
View recording

Aryan Anurag

Thumbnail expert . YouTube consultant . Creator

Aryan Anurag is a YouTube consultant & thumbnails are one of his expertises. He is known for his unique approach to Breaking Down Thumbnails. He works with some of our most-loved brands and creators, including Dhruv Rathee, Varun Mayya, and BigBrainco.